Minecart (Kuneko) Mac OS
  1. Minecraft Kaneko Mac Os X
  2. Minecraft Kaneko Mac Os Update
This article is about the world type. For other uses, see Debug.

Minecraft 1.5.2 was released on May 2, 2013. It is the final version compatible with Java 5, and by extension, Mac OS X for PowerPC processors. 1.5.2 has been heavily optimized to run on PowerPC. Ahem, sorry – I always get overly excited like this when there’s a new update for Minecraft on Xbox One, Windows 10 Edition, iOS, Gear VR, Android and Nintendo Switch out today! Enjoy player mods, world customization, multiplayer servers, and more on the original version of the classic game. Cross-platform play between Mac, PC, and Linux for an unforgettable building experience with your closest friends! Try Minecraft: Java Edition now, available on Windows, Mac, and Linux. Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac) is a version of the game that runs on a PC or Mac computer. Therefore, you would use your keyboard and mouse to navigate through the game. Here are the game controls to play Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac): PC Keyboard and Mouse.

This feature is exclusive to Java Edition.
The world generation in an early version of debug mode

Debug mode is a world type used to test block states, block models, and textures. 3 days mac os.

  • 2Properties


Debug mode selected; note that all of the other world settings are unavailable.

To select the debug mode, hold the ⇧ Shift[untilJE 1.17] / Alt[upcoming:JE 1.17] key while clicking the 'World Type' button in the world creation menu. Debug mode is the world type directly after Floating Islands, and just before Default.

Minecraft Kaneko Mac Os X

Upon selecting debug mode, the 'Bonus Chest', 'Generate Structures', and 'Allow Cheats' options are removed from the menu. The game mode is set to Spectator, and the difficulty is locked on peaceful; however, /gamemode and /difficulty work as usual within the world.


Debug mode contains all blocks, in all of their existing block states, organized in a single world. The world updates automatically to include any new registered block IDs that are added. Therefore, this mode is useful not only to Mojang developers, but also to creators of resource packs and mods.

Block grid[edit]

  • The entire grid as seen from above. East is up.

Every block state generates only once. They are sorted in a grid spread across an altitude of y=70. The block grid changes its size according to the number of blocks and block states available, roughly resembling a square (as of 1.14.2, 213 in width and 211 eastward), occupying the +X,+Z (southeast) quadrant.

A barrier floor at y=60 also spawns, extending past the grid in all directions to the world border. Other than the barrier floor, the remainder of the map is empty.

Other dimensions[edit]

View of the Nether debug world
View of the End debug world

If a Nether or End portal is used, or teleported using /execute, the player spawns in a Nether version or an End version of the debug world, respectively. The sky, light level and other properties remain appropriate to the dimension.

In the End, the ender dragon and its end crystals still spawn, although the dragon cannot break or interact with blocks. If the end portal is used in the End, the end poem and credits appear as normal. If using an ender pearl to utilize the end gateway portal, the gateway teleports the player, but in keeping with debug mode world generation, neither outer islands nor a returning gateway portal generate.

Block behavior[edit]

It is impossible for the player to place any block, even in game modes in which they otherwise could. Also, the /setblock, /clone and /fill commands cannot be executed.

Any block whose interactions do not change its block state can still be used (including chests, beds, cake, etc.). Although a block's state cannot change, its block entity data can change, either through normal player interaction or with the use of the /data command.

Galaxy adventure an adventure in spaaaaaace mac os. These unique properties of debug mode can cause certain blocks to behave in unexpected ways, though due to the arrangement of blocks next to one another, not all may be seen in every version:

  • Water and lava cannot be removed by buckets, but still fills an empty bucket in Survival mode. If the player empties the bucket, the lava or water blocks turn invisible.
  • Bells can still be rung.
  • Cauldrons clean leather armor and banners, but cannot be filled by buckets.
  • Using a button or lever drops one of itself as an item.
    • Activating those blocks schedules a block tick for its own block, which drops one of itself because those blocks cannot be suspended in mid-air.
  • Warning:using a pressure plate with powered stated false, or a weighted pressure plate with power state 0, causes it to generate enormous quantities of dropped plates, likely crashing the game. It also produces an extremely loud sound from so many pressure plate sounds being played at once.
    • The pressure plate schedules a block tick for itself, and drops an item because it cannot be suspended in mid-air.
      • Since it never changes to an activated pressure plate, it never stops receiving activation from the entities and/or items on it, and never stops scheduling block ticks.
    • Certain pressure plates, when activated, cause an error in the game output, stating that the dropped item entity has no entity.
  • Using a comparator in subtract mode, a lever or an unpowered button causes the block in the direction opposite its facing property to drop as an item.
    • If that block is a repeater or a comparator, it drops 36 stacks of itself.
      • It starts to repeatedly schedule its own block-state-changing tick, which fails continually a large number of times.
    • These types of blocks schedule a block tick in the adjacent block.
    • If that block could not normally remain suspended in the air, it drops one of itself as an item.
  • Warning: placing a minecart on an unpowered detector rail drops an infinite number of detector rails, crashing the game.
  • Certain glass panes, iron bars and fences have incorrect hitboxes.
  • Any summoned falling_block entities drops as an item when it hits another block, rather than converting itself to a block. Such a summoned falling block immediately drops as an item, rather than fall any distance.
  • Usingfence gates, comparators, deactivated buttons, levers, deactivated pressure plates, doors, or trapdoors does not move or change the block, but the sound still plays.
  • Nether portals are visible, but the End portal is not.
  • Shulker boxes are invisible until looked at.
  • Using a music disc on an empty jukebox does not change its block state but still plays the music normally.
  • Firework rockets do not boost the player while flying with elytra. Instead, the rocket flies upward as if it was used while looking at a solid block.



Java Edition
1.814w26aAdded Debug Mode world type.
Block entity graphics would disappear when a block is hit, door and trapdoor hitboxes were inconsistent with their state, and not all interfaces were accessible.
14w27aDifferent block states are used instead of metadata.
Options are disabled when creating the world, and the only game mode you can get upon world creation is Spectator Mode.
Block states now generate in a square pattern rather than in an infinite repeating grid.
1.915w31aAll interfaces are now accessible.
15w37aBlock entity graphics are now regenerated (and set to default), when the block is hit.
15w38aDoor and trapdoor hitboxes are now consistent with their state.
1.1620w21aBlocks in the debug world have been changed to be breakable and interactable with, unlike previously where they would regenerate and the world would not be able to be modified.[1]
?Blocks now reappear again.
  • Debug world in version 14w26b

  • Large overview (14w26b) Nd casino bonus.

  • Grid overview (14w26b)

  • Low block ID overview (14w27b)

  • Grid overview (14w27b)

  • (14w32d–Java Edition 1.8.9)

  • (15w49a–Java Edition 1.9.4)

  • (16w20a–Java Edition 1.10.2)

  • (16w39b–Java Edition 1.11.2)

  • (17w47a-Java Edition 1.13)


Note that any bugs relating to using other game modes than spectator are resolved as 'Invalid' or 'Won't Fix' due to the fact that the world type can be legitimately accessed only in spectator.

Issues relating to 'Debug mode' are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues there.


  • The set biome for this mode is plains by default in the Overworld.
  • The sun is displayed as if it were the beginning of the day (time 1000), but the daylight cycle is disabled.
    • Regardless, the time can still be adjusted with the use of the /time command, and the daylight cycle can be toggled with the use of the /gamerule doDaylightCycle command. The time can be also advanced from nighttime to sunrise with the use of a bed.
  • Using a map does not create an accurate map of the blocks in the world.
  • This type of world is the only type where barriers spawn naturally.
  • After setting the world type to Debug Mode, the Game Mode button is locked in Spectator, and a line of text appears beneath: 'You can look but don't touch'.


  • Barrierblocks in debug mode.

  1. MC-184638
Retrieved from 'https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Debug_mode?oldid=1855759'
  • 11291 次查看 2944 次下载
  • 分类:
  • 标签:minecrafts minecraft allows allow constructions construction textureds textured cubes cube procedurally generateds generated activity explorations exploration gatherings gathering craftings crafting combats combat multiples mul
  • 时间:2018年07月11日 更新 文件大小: 119.7 MB
  • 开发商:Mojang 官网首页
  • 支持类型: Mac OS X 10.8 or later
  • 支持语言:未知

来自Mac App Store官方介绍

Minecraft allows players to build constructions out of textured cubes in a 3D procedurally generated world. Other activities in the game include exploration, gathering resources, crafting, and combat. Multiple gameplay modes are available, including survival modes where the player must acquire resources to build and maintain his or her health and hunger, a creative mode where players have unlimited resources to build and the ability to fly, and an adventure mode where players can create custom maps for other players to play.



Version 1.13:

Note: Now requires OS X 10.8 or later running on a 64-bit Intel processor

  • Fixed outstanding issues with the new improved fonts
  • Maps changed slightly. Read more about it by clicking here.
  • Made all waterlogged blocks display the drip animation
  • Fixed bugs:
    • MC-37557 - Sometimes a minecart sound plays/subtitle shown when loading a world
    • MC-122596 - Command autocomplete overrides command history navigation
    • MC-122734 - No particles when bed explodes in the nether
    • MC-123087 - Fences, glass panes, iron bars, stairs, and melon/pumpkin stems in structures generate with wrong block state
    • MC-123369 - Trying to recreate world from future version shows no warning and can crash
    • MC-123769 - Some item tooltips that previously had colors don't have colors anymore
    • MC-123836 - Double blocks aren't loaded in structures
    • MC-123850 - Redstone dust doesn't update shape of connecting redstone dust when going up onto transparent blocks
    • MC-124015 - Red Giant Mushrooms generate with 5 blocks having wrong blockstates, thus showing wrong faces
    • MC-124126 - You no longer look at the block you are inside of
    • MC-124915 - /locate and eye of ender find strongholds in invalid places
    • MC-125090 - Cartographer doesn't unlock woodland mansion map trades
    • MC-125462 - Waterlogged blocks does not decrease light level
    • MC-125872 - Superflat preset 'The Void' doesn't generate starting platform anymore
    • MC-125992 - Cave outlines generate in ocean ravines
    • MC-126704 - X-ray vision
    • MC-126998 - When their block state changes, waterlogged blocks don't remove water they let through
    • MC-127025 - Waterlogged blocks do not display water drip animation
    • MC-127093 - Water flowing onto waterlogged blocks spreads outward, rather than stopping
    • MC-127114 - Water in glass panes and ladders doesn't appear in maps
    • MC-127115 - Visually fully submerged waterlogged blocks don't appear as water on maps
    • MC-127224 - Waterlogged blocks that are not full blocks trigger auto-jump even if it is disabled.
    • MC-127303 - There are no water sources near the south ceiling of flooded caves and trenches
    • MC-128257 - Bugged swimming animation while the head is not underwater
    • MC-128478 - Distance swum statistic uses old 'swimming' (bobbing on top of water) instead of the new swimming
    • MC-129388 - Player suffocating when touching a solid block while swimming
    • MC-129892 - Selector wildcard doesn't work in scoreboard operations
    • MC-130072 - Pufferfish don't play the entity.puffer_fish.sting sound when damaging mobs
    • MC-131352 - Item rarity color / colour overrides first text component's colour in the held tooltip (item switching)
    • MC-131382 - Scoreboard objective name can't be updated
    • MC-132135 - Bad performance of a 1.12.2 world in 1.13
    • MC-132248 - Server crash on launch using Java 9 or newer
    • MC-132269 - Blocks invisible on map
    • MC-132375 - Upgrading 1.12.2 world to 1.13-pre5 crashes the game
    • MC-132631 - Cannot write in the box in the Superflat presets option
    • MC-132632 - Can not climb 1 block height if player is in water 5 or more blocks from water source
    • MC-132654 - F3 + I is missing large amounts of data
    • MC-132706 - Sticky pistons pull blocks that pop off
    • MC-132751 - Two chests spawned inside each other
    • MC-132833 - Opening 1.5.2 world on 1.12.2 works perfectly but bed is transparent.
    • MC-132974 - Converting 1.12 world to 1.13 spams Chunk file at x,y is missing level data, skipping
    • MC-132977 - Esc key results in an older world being converted to a newer version during 'Play' menu sequence
    • MC-133063 - When trying to connect to an unreachable server Minecraft crashes instead of showing error message
    • MC-133136 - Crash when launching the game with LWJGL allocation debugging enabled
    • MC-133139 - The image write callback is never freed, leaking small amounts of memory for each screenshot
    • MC-133140 - The GL debug message callbacks are never freed, causing memory leak warnings

    Sad libs mac os. …更多…

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    Minecraft Kaneko Mac Os Update
