Their frequencies are variable from 2‑20kHz and 20Hz to 200kHz respectively. For the two mids, a dual‑concentric control allows adjustment over gain and frequency, with a separate control for bandwidth. The upper mid‑range is from 400Hz to 8kHz and the lower mid from 100Hz to 2kHz. For one thing, you have to download the App for whatever tablet you have - I have an iPad and there was some discussion on the Facebook group Behringer X-Air XR18 + Midas M-Air MR18 about OS compatibility with the latest App but I was able to get it working without a hitch. Reading software free download. TRANSFER: You may not rent, lease, lend, sell, redistribute, sublicense or provide commercial hosting services with the Software. You may, however, make a one-time permanent transfer of all of your license rights to the Software to another end user in connection with the transfer of ownership of your Product, provided that: (i) the transfer must include your Product and all of the Software.