Hoho Ohno Mac OS

Statistical analysis was performed by JMP® Pro version 9.0.2 for Mac OS (SAS Institute Japan, Tokyo, Japan).P. Operating System: Microsoft Windows (7 and higher) or Apple Mac OS X; Display Properties Setting: Minimum 1024 x 768 screen resolution; Recommended Browsers: Chrome; Firefox; Safari; Edge; For the best experience and optimum security, we recommend that you keep your browser up to date. Legacy browsers with known issues: Internet Explorer 10.

Hōputu 3GP Ko te hōputu rongorau tautuhi nei e te pātuitanga tēnei kaupapa i te toru o whakatupuranga. E tautokotia ana tēnei hōputu e te maha o te kaitākaro ataata he ruarua anake o ratou e hoatu pono he mahi pai. He aha te mea motuhake e pā ana ki tenei hōputu ko e taea te whakamahi i te reira i runga i te waea pūkoro me ētahi atu whakaaro e tautoko i te taumahinga 3G ko etahi waea ki 2G ko 4G tautoko rawa tenei taumahinga. He maha ngā tūmomo tüäpapa pūnaha whakahaere i roto i reira, me te tata nga mea rongonui katoa i ngā kōwhiringa maha o 3GP kaitākaro ki te tiki. Ētahi o ēnei pūnaha whakahaere ngā Windows, Mac, iOS me Android. Tenei tuhinga, ka maka te marama i runga i te tihi 30 3GP kaitākaro mō enei matapihi kaitākaro. Lau ki runga ki te kitea i roto.

Wāhanga 1: Top 10 kaitākaro 3GP mō Windows 10

Windows 10 Ko tetahi o nga pūnaha whakahaere mōhiotia pai, whakawhirinaki me te rongonui i roto i te ao, me te he tetahi te nuinga o koutou rorohiko, papa, me waea pūkoro i. Kahore he mutunga ki te maha o ngā kaitākaro ataata i roto i reira e tautoko i te hōputu 3GP. Ko te rārangi o te runga kaitākaro 10 3GP mo Windows 10 e rawa taea whakaaro e koe te tikiake i te whai ake.

Player 1: kaitākaro VLC


Developer: VideoLAN

Indiecalypse mac os. Tikiake URL: http://vlc-media-player.en.softonic.com/

Āhuatanga matua:

  • VLC Player Ko te puna tuwhera, free, ono tekau, pūmau me te ngāwari kaitākaro 3GP i te pea te kōwhiringa pai mo tō pūrere matapihi.
  • He aha te makehe e pā ana ki reira ko te meka e ko te reira tino ngāwari, me te whakaritenga ki te whakamahi me te he pai hoki tīmata.
  • Ko tētahi atu āhuatanga pai e pā ana ki tenei kaitākaro pāpāho ko e tākaro reira e rua HD me BluRay.
  • E he taketake, me te huatau atanga me ko te kōwhiringa taunoa mō te nuinga o te iwi.

Hōputu tautokona: MPEG, FLV, 3GP, FLAC, RMBV me te maha atu hōputu


  • Arotake i PCMAG
  • Arotake: 'Ka manuïa tonu tenei kaitākaro pāpāho wahi atu kaitākaro rite Windows Media Player a Win Amp kore. Ko VLC kaitākaro pāpāho wātea ana mō te Windows, Macintosh, a maha rongo Linux me ko te kōwhiringa pū mō ngā pūrere OS katoa. '
  • Arotake URL: http://in.pcmag.com/vlc-105/16857/review/vlc-105

Player 2: kaitākaro KM

Ingoa: KM Player

Developer: Pandora TV

Tikiake URL: http://www.kmplayer.com/


  • KM Player Ko te kōwhiringa whakamiharo hoki koutou, ki te hiahia koe ki te takaro 3GP ataata kiriata ranei i runga i tō pūrere Windows.
  • Ko te kaitākaro ataata tino Kōmāmā me te pūkenga e tautoko ana e rave rahi atu hōputu tae AVI, ASF, WMV, AVS me FLV etc rite te pai tenei.
  • He aha hanga rongonui reira ko te meka e ko te reira tino whakaritenga me te marama i runga i ngā rauemi.
  • Ko te tūāpapa puna tuwhera i te utu ki te tiki me te whakamahi hoki.

Hōputu tautokona: AVI, ASF, WMV, AVS me FLV etc


  • Arotake i: CNET
  • Arotake: 'Kua whakahaere KMPlayer ki te whakatū i te whiriwhiri rongonui a kua hanga he mamata kaha hoki ano.'
  • Arotake URL: http://download.cnet.com/KMPlayer/3000-13632_4-10659939.html

Player 3: kaitākaro GOM Media.

Ingoa: kaitākaro GOM Media

Developer: Gretech

Tikiake URL: http://player.gomlab.com/


  • Kua tae mai GOM kaitākaro pāpāho i roto i ki te waiho i te kōwhiringa mīharo o te kaitākaro ataata mō ngā kaiwhakamahi maha Windows puta noa i te ao.
  • Te reira e kore tautoko tika hōputu 3GP engari he tokomaha ano hoki etahi rite AVI, FLAC, MP3 me etahi atu.
  • Ko tētahi o nga mea pai e pā ana ki tenei kaitākaro ko te meka e tuku te reira whakaritenga ngingila me he māmā ki te mahi.
  • Ko te utu o te utu, me te tūāpapa puna tuwhera i tautoko maha kotēkē rite te pai.

Tautoko hōputu maha, tae atu MKV, 3GP, FLAC, FLV, AVI, MPG me MPEG.


  • Arotake i: CNET
  • Arotake: 'GOM Media Player ko te kōwhiringa kaitākaro pāpāho pū, me te mātau ki te hiahia koe ki te tākaro i ngā kōnae pāpāho i runga i tou 10. Windows'
  • Arotake URL: http://download.cnet.com/GOM-Media-Player/3000-13632_4-10551786.html

Player 4: PotPlayer

Ingoa: Potplayer

Developer: daum Creations

Tikiake URL: https://potplayer.daum.net/


  • Ko ano tetahi atu kaitākaro ataata e tautoko ana i te hōputu o 3GP me ko te kōwhiringa mātau ki te he koe i te Windows 10 Potplayer.
  • He aha hanga motuhake tenei kaitākaro he e tautoko ana te reira mōhiti 3D me ngā āhuatanga hāngai 3D.
  • Ko ano hoki te reira ahei o te whakahere ataata faahiahia, me te kounga audio, e hāpai ana te rota o te kotēkē e hiahia ana koe ki te takaro maha momo o te pāpāho.
  • Ko reira noa o te utu, me te tūāpapa pūtake tuwhera.

Tautoko hōputu rave rahi, tae atu MPEG, 3GP, FLAC, MPG, FLV, AVI, AFS me te tokomaha atu.


  • A tai'o faahou i i: Yahoo
  • Arotake: 'Ki te mea ko koe te tangata kua kite te reira i te hunga katoa e i roto i te noa kaitākaro pāpāho, e kore e hiahia ana i te kotahi hou, me tino whai koe i te titiro i mīharo daum Potplayer.'
  • Arotake URL: http://news.yahoo.com/daum-potplayer-review-051345579.html

Player 5: RealPlayer

Ingoa: RealPlayer

Developer: Real whatunga

Tikiake URL: http://www.real.com/


  • Ko te utu o te kaitākaro ataata utu mohiotia nei mo ona kaha o te tautoko i ngā hōputu maha, tae atu 3GP RealPlayer.
  • Powered tēnei hōtaka e te pūkaha pāpāho tuwhera puna whāriki huaina Helix me te hoki he putanga moni e wātea ana ki ake maha o ngā āhuatanga.
  • Tenei kaitākaro pāpāho hoki kaha romaroma ataata, me te hoki i te kōwhiringa o te pipiripia e CD.

Tautoko hōputu katoa taea, tae atu MPEG, MPG, AVI, FLV me AFS ētahi atu


  • A tai'o faahou i i: Videograbber
  • Arotake: 'nei tenei kaitākaro ataata mīharo maha ngā mahi pūkenga, me te ko te whare pukapuka pāpāho taea ai e koe te whakahaere i ou kōnae tikiake katoa'.
  • Arotake URL: http://www.videograbber.net/realplayer-downloader-review.html

Player 6: UMplayer

Ingoa: UMplayer


Tikiake URL: http://www.umplayer.com/


  • UMplayer Ko te ripeka tüäpapa kaitākaro rongorau e tautoko maha oro, me ataata kotēkē, me hōputu kōnae me te DVD, VCDs, me ngā kawa roma
  • Ko te kaitākaro pāpāho kounga tiketike e taea te whakamahi ki te oaoa i kore teata tika engari ano whakaaturanga pouaka me ētahi atu momo ataata maha.
  • Kei reira hoki he kaitākaro YouTube ngātahi me te atanga kaiwhakamahi skinnable.

Ētahi hōputu tautoko reira ngā MPEG, MPG, AVI, FLV me etahi atu.



  • Arotake i: CNET
  • Arotake: 'UMplayer ko te kaitākaro tika kounga pāpāho e taea te whakaatu atu pūmanawa te rota. I tēnei wā, te mea etahi o nga āhuatanga ngaro me ngā take purei anō kia nui rawa o te hokohoko-atu hoki te nuinga o ngā kaiwhakamahi '.
  • Arotake URL: http://download.cnet.com/UMPlayer/3000-13632_4-75332747.html

Player 7: kaitākaro Media Windows

Ingoa: Pāpāho Windows Player

Developer: Microsoft

Tikiake URL: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-IN/windows/windows-media-player


  • He tono pukapuka ripeka kaitākaro atamira rongorau me pāpāho whakamahia e te mo te tākaro oro, me ataata me te mātakitaki i ngā whakaahua i runga i ngā rorohiko whaiaro Windows Media Player he.
  • Ko te kaitākaro pāpāho kounga tiketike hoki i te kaha ki te ripiripia waiata me te tārua hoki i te reira i CD me ētahi atu
  • Ko te wātea tēnei kaitākaro pāpāho hoki i runga i Mac OS me ētahi atu pūnaha whakahaere me te.

Ētahi hōputu tautoko reira ngā MPEG, MPG, AVI, FLV me etahi atu.


  • A tai'o faahou i i: PC Mag
  • Arotake: '. I reira te tonu te mahi etahi ki te mahi i te aroaro o Microsoft rōnihi Windows Media Player 11 mo tūturu, te reira te rota atu fun ki te whakamahi i atu i tetahi atu kaitākaro pāpāho, a rite tonu kaha'
  • Arotake URL: http://in.pcmag.com/windows-media-player-11/68111/review/windows-media-player-11

Player 8: ALLPlayer

Ingoa: ALLPlayer


Tikiake URL: http://www.allplayer.org/en/


  • Allplayer Ko te kaitākaro pāpāho rawa kaha nei te ingoa fokotuu rite, e taea te tākaro pā ana ki noa tetahi hōputu.
  • He pū mō te tākaro i ngā kōnae ataata pakeke e kore e tākaro i roto i to koutou kaitākaro ataata mua Allplayer.
  • Ko tētahi atu āhuatanga miramira o tenei kaitākaro pāpāho ko e tautoko ana te reira hauraro, me te tokomaha kotēkē.

Ētahi hōputu tautoko ana te reira ngā MPEG, FLAC, 3GP, AVI, MPG, WAV me etahi atu.


  • Arotake i: CNET
  • Arotake: 'tu Allplayer i roto i te tahi atu kaitākaro free whakawhetai ki ona pai kōwhiringa taitararoto. E tāpae ana hoki te whakatakotoranga ki runga-ki-te rā, me te whakaari tata katoa, engari te reira tino hira ake ana i i taitararoto ataata '
  • Arotake URL: http://download.cnet.com/AllPlayer/3000-13632_4-10876375.html

Player 9: kaitākaro Tapeke Video

Ingoa: Tapeke Video Player


Tikiake URL: http://total-video-player.en.softonic.com/


  • Kaitākaro ataata Tapeke ko te kaitākaro pāpāho pono te ao nei tautoko e rua ataata me te purei anō oro, me tuku kōwhiringa aifaitoraa tokomaha.
  • Tenei kaitākaro e kore tautoko tika hōputu 3GP engari he tokomaha ano hoki etahi e kore e maha e tautoko i te maha o ngā kaitākaro.
  • Kotahi te mea e hanga tu tenei kaitākaro, motu ke i te toenga ko te meka e ko te reira tino māmā ki te whakamahi i.

Ētahi hōputu tautoko ana te reira ngā MPEG, FLAC, 3GP, AVI, MPG, WAV me etahi atu.


  • Arotake i: CNET
  • Arotake: 'Tapeke Video Player ko te kaitākaro pāpāho noa e taea te tākaro te nuinga o te ataata, me ngā kōnae oro Me nuinga o te iwi ki te e taea ki te tākaro, me te CD, DVD me.'
  • Arotake URL: http://download.cnet.com/Total-Video-Player/3000-2139_4-10552696.html

Player 10: kaitākaro Media AVS

Ingoa: AVS kaitākaro Media Fl studio waves tune.


Tikiake URL: http://avs-dvd-player.en.softonic.com/


  • E tautoko ana kaitākaro AVS Media me mahi pai i runga i te atanga Windows 10.
  • E tautoko ana i te whānuitanga nui o ngā hōputu me tuku oro ngingila me te kounga ataata.
  • Ko tētahi atu āhuatanga o tenei kaitākaro pāpāho ko e ngā reira he pātene pokatata pepa ki te tahu i ngā kōnae.

Ētahi hōputu tautoko ana te reira ngā MPEG, FLAC, 3GP, AVI, MPG, WAV me etahi atu.


  • Arotake i: CNET
  • Arotake: 'AVS Media Player taea tākaro koe waiata me kiriata i roto i te tini o te hōputu roto i te atanga huatau.'
  • Arotake URL: http://download.cnet.com/AVS-Media-Player/3000-13632_4-10977094.html

Wāhanga 2: Top 10 kaitākaro 3GP mō Mac

Mac OS he whakatapua OS o Apple mō Macbook me etahi atu whakaaro me ko tetahi o te hunga tino rongonui, me te pai i roto i te ao ano hoki. He he maha o pāpāho kōwhiringa kaitākaro ataata ranei e taea te whakamahi e koe i runga i te Mac engari anake i te tahi o ratou tautoko i te hōputu 3GP. Ko te whai ake e te runga kaitākaro 10 3GP mo Mac.

Player 1: Wondershare Player

Ingoa: Wondershare Player


Tikiake URL: http://www.wondershare.com/video-player/


  • Wondershare Kaitākaro Ko te ultrafast, mahara, kaitākaro ataata tau, me te tino pūkenga e taea tata tākaro ahua o ataata tetahi.
  • Ko te kaitākaro pāpāho tino mahi, me te whai hua e mahi i runga i te Mac OS e rua, me te Windows me te tautoko tata katoa kotēkē.
  • Ko te tino ngāwari ki te whakamahi i tenei me te tuku kounga HD Express.

Hōputu tautokona: AFS, MPG, MPEG, AVI, FLV me MKG etc


  • Arotake i: CNET
  • Arotake: 'Wondershare Player ko tetahi o nga kaitākaro pai me te tino kaha ataata i roto i reira e taea e koe te oaoa i kiriata katoa i roto i te whare tapere-rite ara.
  • Arotake URL: http://download.cnet.com/Wondershare-Player/3000-13632_4-75915819.html

Player 2: MPlayer

Ingoa: MPlayer

Hoho Ohno Mac OS

Developer: Ko te kaupapa MPlayer

Tikiake URL: https://www.mplayerhq.hu/design7/news.html


  • MPlayer he pūmanawa free me te tūāpapa puna tuwhera i te wātea i runga i te nuinga o ngā pūnaha whakahaere, me te tautoko 3GP i runga i te Mac.
  • Ko te kaitākaro rongonui me te pūkenga nei putanga noa mō ngā pūrere rite Amazon Kindle.
  • E tautoko ana tēnei kaitākaro 3GP he maha rerekē ngā āhuatanga, me te titau kahore kotēkē waho ki te mahi.
  • E i te taketake ano te tino huatau atanga.

Hōputu tautokona: WMA, WMV, mov, te vivo, MPEG, AFS etc

  • Arotake
  • A tai'o faahou i i: Freewarefiles
  • Arotake: 'mahi nga mea katoa e pā ana ki kaitākaro MPlayer 3GP mo Mac. E kore koe e whiwhi i tetahi mea pai atu tenei kaitākaro pāpāho me te reira tino kia koutou whiriwhiri meinga. '
  • Arotake URL: http://www.freewarefiles.com/review_6_74_21340.html
  • Player 3: kaitākaro VLC Media

    Ingoa: VLC kaitākaro pāpāho

    Developer: VideoLAN

    Tikiake URL: http://www.videolan.org/vlc/download-macosx.html


    • Kaitākaro VLC Media ano tetahi atu kōwhiringa rawe ko te mea e rapu ana koutou mo te kaitākaro 3GP mo Mac.
    • He pono, te reira tetahi o te ripeka-pūhara me te maha-hōputu pai kaitākaro pāpāho me haere mai ki te tautoko kōtēke tonu.
    • Ko te kaitākaro te kounga tiketike nei te mahi i roto i te tikanga māmā me tae mai mō te kore utu o te utu tenei.
    • Ko te tūāpapa pūtake tuwhera.

    Hōputu tautokona: WMA, WMV, 3GP, mov, MPEG, te vivo, AFS, AVI etc


    • Arotake i: CNET
    • Arotake: 'VLC Player Ko te kaitākaro 3GP pai ki te format.vob me he me whai mo te tangata i nona te Mac he'.
    • Arotake URL: http://www.videolan.org/vlc/download-macosx.html

    Player 4: kaitākaro Media Windows

    Ingoa: Pāpāho Windows Player

    Developer: Microsoft

    Tikiake URL: http://windows-media-player-mac.en.softonic.com/mac


    • He tono pukapuka kounga ngingila pūhara ripeka kaitākaro 3GP me pāpāho e taea ai e koe te tākaro e kore e tika ataata, me te waiata, engari ano hoki ki te tiro whakapakoko i runga i rorohiko Windows Media Player he.
    • Ko te hoki tenei kaitākaro pāpāho ahei o te tārua kōpae, me tahu waiata me te tahi mea e hanga rerekē te reira i te era atu i roto i reira tenei.
    • Ko te kupu tenei kaitākaro pāpāho wātea hoki i runga i te Mac OS me homai e runga ataata kounga.

    Ētahi hōputu tautoko reira ngā MPEG, MPG, AVI, FLV me etahi atu.


    • A tai'o faahou i i: PC Mag
    • Arotake: 'kia te reira parau mau e te vai nei te tahi mau nui o te mahi i mahue ki te mahi i te aroaro o te putanga i muri o tenei kaitākaro, engari ko te reira tonu tetahi o nga kaitākaro pāpāho tino tōtika i roto i reira.'
    • Arotake URL: http://in.pcmag.com/windows-media-player-11/68111/review/windows-media-player-11

    Player 5: kaitākaro Tapeke Video

    Ingoa: Tapeke Video Player


    Tikiake URL: http://download.cnet.com/Total-Video-Player/3000-13632_4-76209528.html


    • Kaitākaro ataata Tapeke ko te kaitākaro pāpāho faahiahia, me te ripeka-atamira i te ao i roto i te tikanga e tautoko ana te reira e rua ataata me te purei anō oro, me tuku maha atu āhuatanga rite te pai.
    • He pai hoki te te tākaro 3GP ataata i runga i Mac OS tenei a he tino ngāwari ki te whakamahi i.
    • Tautoko hoki kaitākaro ataata Tapeke maha kotēkē, me te hoki i te kōwhiringa o te ataata huka i te ipurangi.

    Ētahi hōputu tautoko ana te reira ngā MPEG, FLAC, 3GP, AVI, MPG, WAV me etahi atu.


    • Arotake i: CNET
    • Arotake: 'Tapeke Video Player ko te utu o te kaitākaro pāpāho utu tautoko hōputu 3GP e taea te tākaro te nuinga o te ataata, me ngā kōnae oro Me nuinga o te iwi ki te e taea ki te tākaro, me te CD, DVD me.'
    • Arotake URL: http://download.cnet.com/Total-Video-Player/3000-2139_4-10552696.html

    Player 6: Free Mac kaitākaro Blu-ray

    Ingoa: free Mac kaitākaro Blu-ray

    Developer: Blueray te Kaiwhakaako

    Tikiake URL: http://free-mac-blu-ray-player.en.softonic.com/mac


    • Ko Mac pūmanawa Free kaitākaro Blu-ray he hōtaka pūkenga e āwhina kaiwhakamahi ki te purei i ngā kōnae image / Blu-ray ISO kōpaki kōpae / Blu-ray Blu-ray.
    • Tenei kaitākaro taea hoki ngā kaiwhakamahi ki te whanga ki ataata HD 1080p me tetahi atu ngā ataata rongonui, tae atu 3GP ki te kounga ataata pai
    • E tautoko ana i te maha o ngā kotēkē kia kaua e hiahia ana koe ki te whakamahi i tetahi feia waho, me te he pono pūkenga.
    • E he atanga huatau mō te pūrere rite huatau rite Mac.

    Ētahi hōputu tautoko ana te reira ngā MPEG, FLAC, 3GP, AVI, MPG, WAV me etahi atu.


    • Arotake i: CNET
    • Arotake: 'Free Mac Blu-ray Player for Mac hanga ngāwari te reira no te ki a koe te tākaro kōpae Blu-ray, me ētahi atu kōnae ataata rongonui. Ko te tino maheni, me te utu i tetahi momo o raruraru te purei anō tapaea. '
    • Arotake URL: http://download.cnet.com/Free-Mac-Bluray-Player/3000-13632_4-75891746.html

    Player 7: Real Player

    Ingoa: Player Real

    Developer: RealNetworkd

    Tikiake url: http://www.real.com/

    Āhuatanga matua:

    Mac Os Versions

    • Ko te taupānga kaitākaro tūāpapa pāpāho ripeka e he hototahi ki ngā hōputu ipu kōnae
    • Kikī te taupānga mai ki ngohi o ngā āhuatanga rite pakiwaituhi whakairoiro, mana ataata, hopu oro, e haehae ana CD me ētahi atu
    • He hoki, he kaitahuri pāpāho e āhei ki te tahuri i te ataata ki te hōputu tika
    • Ko te taupānga e taea te kaiwhakamahi ki te tuku hāngai o ratou ataata ki Twitter me Facebook

    hōputu tautoko: 3GP, MPEG, DVD, AVI, Media Windows, Time Tere me ētahi atu.


    • A tai'o faahou i i: Softonic
    • A tai'o faahou i: Ka taea e te taupānga te tiki awa, me te mai Kikī ki ngohi o ngā āhuatanga. Kei reira hoki he kaitahuri ataata hanga-i roto i te tautoko o ngā pūrere maha.
    • Ko te url arotake: http://realplayer-gold.en.softonic.com/mac

    Player 8: Leawo Blu-ray Player for Mac

    Ingoa: Leawo Blu-ray Player for Mac

    Developer: Pūmanawa Leawo

    Tikiake url: http://leawo-blu-ray-player-for-mac.en.softonic.com/mac

    Āhuatanga matua:

    • Ka taea te whakaaro te reira i rite ki te kaitākaro paheko rongorau e taea te tākaro kiriata ray Blu me hoki kōpae DVD
    • E tautoko ana te kaitākaro purei ataata ki runga ki te 1080p
    • Ko te atanga o te kaitākaro he kiko, me te nohopuku, me ngā āhuatanga tautuhinga pūmanawa
    • Whakaatu hoki te kaitākaro kōwhiringa whakahohe whakaputa oro i roto i atanga e taea ai te kaiwhakamahi ki te hono pona ki te TV waho ngāwari

    hōputu tautoko: MP4, HD MP4, MKV, 3GP, FLV me ētahi atu


    • Arotake i: CNET
    • Arotake: Ko te kaitākaro tika i te nohopuku, me te āhuatanga atanga kiko ki te tautoko kōnae pai. Whakahaere Kōnae me te kore o te āhuatanga kōpae purei paerewa ko etahi o nga raruraru e pā ana ki te kaitākaro.
    • Ko te url arotake: http://download.cnet.com/Leawo-Blu-ray-Player/3000-13632_4-75914628.html

    Player 9: DivX hoki Mac

    Ingoa: DivX hoki Mac

    Developer: DivX

    Tikiake url: http://divx.en.softonic.com/mac

    Āhuatanga matua:

    • Ko reira tetahi o te kaitākaro rongonui mō te Mac e tautoko hōputu kōnae maha
    • Mai te kaitākaro ki te whakatika rite wel rite kōwhiringa faafariuraa
    • Ko te kiko, ngāwari ki te whakamahi i te kaitākaro me mai Kikī ki paerewa mahi fie
    • E tautokona ana hoki ngā āhuatanga DVD Arā rite taitara, scene selectipon me ara ororongo kē i te kaitākaro.

    hōputu tautoko: DivX, AVI, Xvid, MKV, mov, MP4, HEVC me ētahi atu

    Arotake: CNET

    • Arotake i: CNET
    • Arotake: te kaitākaro ko tetahi o te hou mo pūhara Mac me haere mai ki te kōwhiringa whakatika, me te faafariuraa e hanga he tua nui ki te maatauranga o Mac.
    • Ko te url arotake: http://download.cnet.com/DivX/3000-13632_4-21829.html

    Player 10: Elmedia Player

    Ingoa: Elmedia Player

    Developer: Pūmanawa Eltima

    Tikiake url: http://elmedia-player-free-for-mac.en.softonic.com/mac

    Hoho Ohno Mac Os Catalina

    Āhuatanga matua:

    • Tautoko kaitākaro hōputu oro me ataata maha te kahore te tahuri ia ratou
    • Mai te reira i te pūtirotiro hanga-i roto i te tukutuku e taea ki te mataara hāngai te ataata
    • Ko te kaitākaro e āhei ki a koutou te hanga rārangipāpāho me te whakahaere me te muku ia ratou rite te pai
    • Ko te kaitākaro he atanga pūmanawa, me āhei koe te rapu i te kohinga mā te mātakitaki taitara o ngā kāwai

    hōputu tautoko: FLV, swf, Xáp, RM me RV, AVI, mov, MP4 me ētahi atu


    Arotake i: CNET

    • Arotake: Ko te otinga whānui mō te tākaro whānuitanga o ngā kōnae ataata, me ētahi atu pāpāho. Mai te kaitākaro ki te pūtirotiro i-hanga e ko tetahi o te āhuatanga tino watea, me te he pūmanawa navigation.
    • Ko te url arotake: http://download.cnet.com/Elmedia-Player/3000-2139_4-75985205.html

    Wāhanga 3: Top 5 3GP kaitākaro mō te iPhone / iPad App

    kua tahuri iOS OS i ki kia kotahi o nga pūnaha Whakahaere tino whakamahia, rongonui, me te pai mohiotia i roto i te ao nei. Ko te hōputu maha-mahi tino kaiwhakamahi hoa, me e mahi kore i runga i te tika waea me papa engari ano kaitākaro waiata me ētahi atu pūrere. Ngā mirioni o taupānga, i roto i nei maha e whakatapua ki kaitākaro pāpāho Ko tōna toa taupānga. Ko te rārangi o te runga 5 3GP Players mō iPhone / iPad taupānga te whai ake nei:

    Player 1: VLC Media Player


    Developer: VideoLAN

    Tikiake URL: https://itunes.apple.com/in/app/vlc-for-ios/id650377962?mt=8

    Āhuatanga matua:

    • VLC kaitākaro Media ko tetahi o nga kaitākaro tino pai pāpāho mō rangatira pūrere iOS kore no te mea noa te mea ripeka-pūhara engari tautoko hoki hōputu 3GP.
    • Ko te kaitākaro puna noa, me te tuwhera nei te hōputu taketake, me te he pūmau i roto i te natura.
    • No te mea he mea marama i runga i ngā rauemi, me te ngāwari, ka taea e koe te oaoa i te mau hoho'a teata, me te maha atu mongamonga pāpāho i runga i taua i runga i tou whakaaro pūkoro.

    Hōputu tautokona: MPEG, FLV, RMBV me te maha atu hōputu


    • Arotake i: CNET
    • Arotake: 'VLC Media Player ko tetahi o nga kaitākaro ataata pai mo iOS me haere mai ki te mana nui komipiutá ke, tini huarahi ki te tukuake pāpāho, me te tautoko hoki e rua Dropbox ko Google Drive.'
    • Arotake URL: http://www.cnet.com/products/vlc-ios/

    Player 2: PlayerXtreme Media Player

    Ingoa: PlayerXtreme kaitākaro pāpāho

    Developer: PentaLoop

    Tikiake URL: https://itunes.apple.com/in/app/playerxtreme-media-player/id456584471?mt=8


    • Ko ano tetahi atu kōwhiringa runga o te kaitākaro ataata ki 3GP e taea te whakamahi e te rangatira pūrere iOS PlayerXtreme.
    • Ko te kaitākaro pāpāho kaha mo iPad e tautoko maha kotēkē me homai e runga ataata kounga me te oro tenei.
    • Ko utu o te utu, puna tuwhera te reira, a e kore e tetahi Me ki te tahuri hōputu runga reira.

    Hōputu tautokona: XMV, WMV, WMA, MPEG, MPG me ētahi atu


    • Arotake i: CNET
    • Arotake: 'PlayerXtreme ko te kaitākaro ataata kounga runga i te tika o te huatau iPad me he tetahi e kore e hiahia ana koe ki te mahue i runga i.'
    • Arotake URL: http://download.cnet.com/PlayerXtreme-Media-Player-The-best-player-of-movies-videos-music-streaming/3000-2094_4-75552313.html

    Player 3: Buzzplay

    Ingoa: kaitākaro Buzz

    Developer: Vietnam pūmanawa pūkoro co.ltd

    Tikiake URL: https://itunes.apple.com/in/app/buzz-player-hd/id559707039?mt=8


    • Kaitākaro Buzz HD ko te kaitākaro rongorau tautoko e rave rahi ngā oro me ngā kotēkē ataata, me te kōnae.
    • E tautoko ana tēnei kaitākaro pāpāho 3GP me te tautoko hoki i te kōwhiringa o te roma.
    • Tenei kaitākaro pāpāho ko te taupānga utua i runga i te toa taupānga iTunes me tautoko tonu te purei anō HD.

    Hōputu tautokona: XMA, WMV, WMA, AFS, AVI, MPEG, MPG me etahi atu.


    • A tai'o faahou i i: i matau koutou pūkoro
    • Arotake: 'buzz Player whakahaere ki te pōkai i te āhuatanga nui whakaturia ki te taupānga rawa tāu, e iti tatūnga me te matauranga kaiwhakamahi o whatunga kawa ki te hoatu koutou waiata katoa me ngā ataata i roto i to koutou pute e.'
    • Arotake URL: http://www.knowyourmobile.com/apps/12987/buzz-player-review

    Player 4: Stream Video

    Ingoa: Stream Video

    Developer: Collect3

    Tikiake URL: https://itunes.apple.com/in/app/video-stream-watch-movies/id342124650?mt=8


    • Awa Video Ko te kaitākaro pāpāho utua e tautoko hōputu 3GP me ko tetahi e whakarato ana kounga HD Retina.
    • E whakarato ana te reira i te tautoko pūkete maha, koati tiaki tūmataiti haumaru, me te tautoko mātakitaki mamao i runga i 3G.

    Hōputu tautokona: XMA, WMV, WMA, 3GP, AFS, AVI, MPEG, MPG me etahi atu.


    • Arotake i: AppAdvice
    • Arotake: te taupānga awa ataata i te rorohiko ki tou iPad me te tautoko reira pūkete kaiwhakamahi i roto i te tikanga ki te whakawhāiti te uru ki torutoru kōpaki. Ko te kupu, ki te hiahia koe ki te pupuri i ana koutou kiriata R reiti i nga kuao, ka waiho hei āhuatanga nui. Ko te whakataetae pai ki ētahi atu ratonga roma.
    • Arotake URL: http://appadvice.com/appguides/show/best-ipad-movie-streaming

    Player 5: Azul - Kōnae Kaiwhakahaere ataata Player mo iPhone

    Ingoa: Azul - Kaiwhakahaere Kōnae ataata Player mo iPhone

    Developer: Omar Mody

    Tikiake URL: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/azul-file-manager-video-player/id406845187?mt=8


    • Mai tēnei kaitākaro pāpāho ki te kaitākaro pāpāho āheinga e taea ai e koe te tiki koutou rangi tino me ngā ataata i hea.
    • Azul kaitākaro pāpāho tauturu koe, me ka taea ki a koe rere ataata, kahore tikiake ratou.
    • E tautoko ana i ngā hōputu maha, tae atu 3GP me mahi i runga i iOS.

    Hōputu tautokona: XMA, WMV, WMA, 3GP, AFS, AVI, MPEG, MPG me etahi atu.


    • A tai'o faahou i i: Macrumours
    • Arotake: 'Tino pai HTTP (Tukutuku) kaha download ki te tautoko ki te whārangi Tukutuku ataata rongonui maha.'
    • Arotake URL: http://forums.macrumors.com/threads/azul-media-player-is-it-indeed-the-best.1552587/

    Wāhanga 4: Top 5 3GP kaitākaro mō te Android taupānga

    Android Ko tetahi o nga pūnaha whakahaere nui me te tino i roto i te ao nei. Ko te hakari, ka whakamahia e te milioni o ngā pūrere i roto i te ao te reira, me tona toa taupānga tuku maha ataata mīharo, me te 3GP kaitākaro. Otiia anake i te tahi o ratou e mau pai. Ko te rārangi o te runga 5 3GP kaitākaro mō ngā pūrere Android te whai ake.

    Player 1: VLC


    Developer: VideoLAN

    Tikiake URL: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.videolan.vlc&hl=en

    Āhuatanga matua:

    • VLC Player He puna tuwhera, kaitākaro pāpāho noa, me te ngāwari mō ngā pūrere Android.
    • Ko te kaitākaro tino whakaritenga i te marama i runga i ngā rauemi, me te kore e tangohia ake te rota o te wāhi i runga i tō pūrere Android.
    • Ko te ahei o te tākaro e rua HD me BluRay te reira, a ko te tahi mea e hanga makehe reira tenei.

    Hōputu tautokona: MPEG, FLV, FLAC, 3GP, AVI, RMBV me te maha atu hōputu


    • A tai'o faahou i i: Yahoo
    • Arotake: 'VLC mō te Android Ko te tūāpapa pū, me te kotahi o te pai mo tenei pūnaha whakahaere. Kaitākaro torutoru, free moni ranei, e taea te wero ona kaha, me te tautoko '
    • Arotake URL: https://www.yahoo.com/tech/s/vlc-android-review-200902627.html?nf=1

    Player 2: kaitākaro BS

    Ingoa: kaitākaro BS

    Pāpāho kaitākaro BS: Developer

    Tikiake URL: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bsplayer.bspandroid.free&hl=en


    • Ko te utu o te taupānga utu kaitākaro pāpāho mārō ranei mo Android e tuku pūmārō whakatere purei ataata BS Player.
    • Kitea hauraro tēnei kaitākaro pāpāho aunoa a he tautoko o waho, me te hauraro tāmau.
    • E whakarato ana i ngā rite te pai awa ororongo maha.

    Hōputu tautokona: WMA, WMV, AFS, 3GP, AVI, MPEG, MPG, mov, vivo etc


    • Arotake i: Hacker Life
    • Arotake: 'BSPlayer ko te kaitākaro pāpāho tino configurable engari e taea hoki te tīmata koe te whakamahi i te reira tika atu i roto i te pouaka ki te tata tetahi hōputu ataata kōnae ranei.'
    • Arotake URL: http://lifehacker.com/5823465/the-best-video-player-for-android

    Player 3: kaitākaro Dice

    Ingoa: kaitākaro whangaono https://downzup598.weebly.com/meridian-coil-mac-os.html.

    Developer: INISOFT_Dev

    Tikiake URL: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.inisoft.mediaplayer.a&hl=en


    • Kaitākaro Dice he whakatere i te HW kaitākaro ataata e haere mai ki te mana tere purei, me te tautoko whatunga.
    • E tautoko ana tēnei kaitākaro pāpāho te nuinga o ngā kotēkē, me whakarato tautoko taitararoto.
    • E tuku maha atu āhuatanga, tae atu ororongo te ako te ware me te ara ororongo maha.

    Hōputu tautokona: MPEG, WMA, WMV, MPG, AFS, AVI me etahi atu.


    • Arotake i: ngā arotake Whirinaki
    • Arotake: 'e kore e tino mahi tēnei pāpāho ataata ranei kaitākaro pai i runga i nga whakaaro katoa, engari ka mahi i te reira na te mea he kōwhiringa nui mō te tākaro hoki ngā kōnae MKV tautuhinga teitei'.
    • Arotake URL: http://www.trustedreviews.com/dice-player-android-app-review

    Player 4: huruhuru

    Ingoa: huruhuru

    Developer: a Arona Turner

    Tikiake URL: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.torch2424.featherads&hl=en


    • Huruhuru Ko tetahi o nga kaitākaro pāpāho pai mo Android e tautoko hōputu 3GP me he hototahi ki te maha o ētahi atu hōputu hoki.
    • Ko te kaitākaro ataata tino pūmau, me te whakaritenga, me te he atanga kiko.
    • E tāpae ana hoki āhuatanga i hanga rārangipāpāho me he iti, me te Kōmāmā.

    Hōputu tautokona: WMA, MPEG, 3GP, WMV, MPEG, AFS, AVI, FLAC, waenganui, ota, rtx etc


    • Arotake i: Android Mana
    • Arotake: 'Tairanga, huruhuru ko te ataata me te waiata kaitākaro iti. Riro te reira i mea ai te mahi, me te kore e faanevaneva koe ki te paihere o ngā āhuatanga e kore koutou e rapu utu. '
    • Arotake URL: http://www.androidauthority.com/feather-review-533002/

    Player 5: kite Player HD

    Ingoa: VidOn Player HD

    Developer: VidOn.me

    Tikiake URL: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=vidon.me.pad&hl=en


    • Ko 100% free te herohe me he ad free ano
    • E tautoko ana i ngā hōputu maha ataata me te kotēkē
    • Ngā te taupānga romaroma o te ataata i te tūmau FTP, Samba, matapihi te faaiteraa i te taviniraa, DLNA me MAORI
    • Ka taea e te kaitākaro te tākaro ataata HD ki runga ki te 1080p
    • He mana tohu tiaho, nohopuku whakamua, whakamuri, me te rōrahi.

    Formats: MP4, WMV, mov, AVI, MKV, RMVB, 3GP, MPG, RM, ASF, F4V, FLV, h264, QuickTime, Xvid, DivX me ētahi atu


    • Arotake i: appannie
    • Arotake: Ki 3.5 whakatauranga, he mea he taupānga tika e te mea noa, me te tautoko ngā hōputu kōnae.
    • Arotake URL: https://www.appannie.com/apps/ios/app/vidon-player-hd/

    Fancy a 10in MacBook, anyone? We've seen Mac OS X installed and run on Asus' original Eee PC, and now someone's done the same on the MSI Wind, aka the Advent 4211.

    To be fair, hardware hacker Paul O'Brien admits there's plenty of bits that don't work once Leopard's up and running - most notably Wi-Fi and putting the machine into hibernation mode - and the process requires downloading some iffy hacked installers off the torrents.

    Paul's posted a detailed list of instructions for the process and a video guide too:

    Can't see the video? Download FlashPlayer from Adobe.com

    The wireless problem can be fixed by swapping out the Wind's Realtek-made Wi-Fi card for a Broadcom-based unit which Mac OS X will recognise. Getting some of the other features to work - sleep, Ethernet and so on - is just a matter of installing some modified kernel extension files.

    The upshot is a decent-running Mac sub-notebook, Paul says, though we're sure his decision to upgrade the Wind's memory to a full 2GB helps. Even so, that's not bad for a £280 computer. Now, how much is the MacBook Air again?

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